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Lois Clapcott Portfolio
Scenic Artist - Prop Maker - Tv Art Department - set dresser/VM - 3D Design visualization - Technical drawing - graphic design
Portfolio shown below
(Click to expand images)
Azteca Stage at Forbidden Forest Festival (2023)
Job Description: Poly carving texturing and painting and installation of a new set built for a music festival stage. Built by Craft House Creations
Job Role: Scenic Artist, Prop maker, Installation
Reactor Stage at Forbidden Forest Festival (2023)
Job Description: Set repaint and signage for a music festival stage. Built by Craft House Creations
Job Role: Scenic Artist
Bunker Stage at Forbidden Forest Festival (2023)
Job Description: Set repaint and signage for a music festival stage. Built by Craft House Creations
Job Role: Scenic Artist
Silent Night Commercial (2023)
Job Description: 4x Block Colour, home interior-themed sets for the 2023 Silent Night TV commercial. Set built by DoNotBend Productions
Job Role: Scenic Artist/Painter and Decorator